Wider and Deeper

Dear Heavenly Father,

We most often think of things we see and events we experience when we give thanks. Well-loved places and people come to mind when we list our gratefulness. But, Father, our thankfulness must be wider and deeper, for beyond all of these are the invisible things from Your hand. Your love, of course. Yet more: Grace, Patience, Forgiveness, Discipline, Comfort, and Mercy.

We thank you for revealing evil to us so that we can see good more clearly. Thank you for pricking our conscience so that we can kneel in repentance. It’s not a punishment. It’s a gift. Thank you for teaching us courage. Thank you for the sense of Your Holiness in moments of quiet. Your patience is beyond our understanding. Your mercy – wider and deeper than we can grasp.

You never fail. You are faithful always. And, our dearest God, this day we are grateful for You in all of Your perfection and beauty. We give this day and all days to You, for You and You alone deserve all praise.

In Jesus’ Name


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