Thanks In All Times

Dear Heavenly Father,

In a time when we anticipate want in our futures and feel concern in our present, we look to You, because we remember how good You are in both good and hard times: How it was Your hand that parted the Red Sea when the enemy was bearing down on Your people; How it was Your presence that calmed the lions while Daniel was in their den; and how it was Your voice that cast out demons at Gadarenes.

We reflect on our lives – how You have been with us from the very beginning, from Day one. You’ve healed us when we were sick and some of us when we would have died but for You. You’ve rescued us from danger, both known and unawares. You’ve given us work to do and homes to delight in. Your creation calls to us to marvel and calms us when we need it.

When we are alone, You sit with us. We keep company together. And when crowds surround us, You are with us still. You call us by name. You teach us in all the kinds of places and people and times we encounter. Wisdom, understanding, discernment – bit by bit, slowly, but surely we learn.

You are so very, very good, Father. And we come just now to thank You. Thank You for history. Thank You for our past. Thank You for the present times when our faith can grow and we can see how bright the light of Your presence shines in the darkness. And thank You for an unknown future. All we need to know is that You’ll be there.

We lift Your Name above every Name. You are great and loving and merciful and good. Your judgements are righteous. And You, oh our Dear Lord and Father, You are our very breath.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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