Sometimes (cont.)

Sometimes light increases so gradually you didn’t notice it grew. It holds things you’re not sure exist and, if they do, it seems beyond your fortune to encounter. You squint, then once more to secure vision that will not come. It is a light far brighter than you realized as you lived your life unconsciously, uncaringly, unknowingly. Truth is a terrible word because it promises revelation of all that is good and bad. For all. You are startled at the probability it will touch you, too. But this is the time, dear friends, right here and now, that we must be brave. We must stand firm. We cannot wait for someone to do for us what we must do for ourselves and for each other. Now is not the time for sleep. It is not the time for distraction or dreaming. It is the time to stand in whatever way you find to do so. And, after having done all, stand.

Sometimes light increases so gradually,

You didn’t notice it grew;

Until you find you must squint to see

In a light more bright than you knew.

Startled, you frown as you look around

Trying to see in the blaze

And wonder just what was once hidden, unknown,

Will be open to everyone’s gaze.

We wander, my friend, to an uncertain end

With unsteady step as we go;

When hope is desire and desire is claimed

By forces unseen and unknown.

But onward we press. We must – with brave hearts –

Because if we don’t, who will?

One thing we know as we travel below:

Duty, honor, country must prevail.

Scripture: Ephesians 6:13; Images: zac-durant-_6HzPU9Hyfg-unsplash.jpg; Pexels-Videos-1433307-butterfly.mp4; pexels-tinthia-clemant-1557208-butterfly-2.jpg; Let-us-run-with-endurance.jpg;; 

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