Friday Prayer Thoughts: Transformation

We don’t like that David slept with Bathsheba or that Abraham had a child with his wife’s servant or that Zaccheus stole tax money. We cringe thinking of Rahab’s means of making money or of Jonah’s running from God’s instruction or of Peter denying being friends with Jesus while Jesus stood trial. And we’re disgusted with language we see on social media or the apostasy that has infiltrated some churches or the cancerous secrets entwined among those in power.

But we know this: God would rather transform than destroy.

Our Dear Heavenly Father,

We look around us at our nation and at ourselves. Things have become far worse than we realized. When we begin to see even part of what You see, we’re appalled at what our nation has become.

But You, Oh Lord are righteous and You, Oh Lord are merciful. You see how things are with a clarity we can only begin to touch. But You also see how You intend for things to be and what our nation was first founded to be.

You are the God of creation, the God of the nation of Israel and the God who led our founders to birth the United States of America. You led them, Father, to use Your Word as a pattern out of which to cut the cloth of this nation.

We know what it is to be transformed, because You move in our lives each day to guide and correct. We wouldn’t want to be what we know we would be without Your direction. We’re desperate for it.

If anyone, no matter their past, is willing to be transformed, we ask You to transform them into what You first intended for them to be – with all of their gifts and loveliness. We ask that their hearts be pricked and softened to receive Your Word and Your Spirit. But, Father, if they keep their hearts of stone and a rebellious spirit, we call on You to send Your angels to destroy them so their cancer will not spread.

And we are thinking of our forefathers – the people who instituted our Declaration of Independence and Constitution. We join our voices with theirs – whose prayers You heard then and can still hear now – to ask for Your great blessing on our land, for the people here to honor You in all things, for a desire for this nation to be a shining light and help to other nations.

We want to export the gospel instead of evil in any of its forms. We want to send light into the darkness some other nation experiences, to send healing when needed, to be an instrument of Your peace to nations longing for it. We want to drink from the river that heals the nations. We want to be an extension of Your mercy, Your grace, and Your righteousness.

We want to be one nation made of people from many nations Under God, a nation who claims You as her King, a nation who hears Your voice and carries out Your heart. Please transform us now. Transform every part of us we humbly ask.

In Jesus Name, Amen

Image: Tinthia Clemant from Pexels

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