Friday Prayer Thoughts: Perseverance

Back in the day when I used to run as part of keeping fit (admittedly, not a long period in my life), I learned a few things. How to spit, the importance of stretching, and to set sub-goals for myself. I’d anticipate getting to a certain point in my run – for instance, the corner store, then to the next point – the block a friend lived on, and so on until I arrived at my destination. I’m not so sure that spitting is a skill I’ve needed since, but setting sub-goals is a great life skill.

The days we’re living in are draining. But Galatians tells us to not grow weary in doing good, because we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. So stretch yourself in whatever ways you need it, spit if you must, and keep your eye on the goal.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We are so tired. It’s hard to be any good thing when you’re tired, but You’ve told us to keep going; to keep our eye on the prize; to persevere. We are determined to do so because You said to do it. Today we will spend time in prayer and in Your Word. Then we will do a nice thing or say something kind to a friend or stranger. Through the day we will listen for Your voice to direct us to something of which we were otherwise unaware. We will walk in Your Spirit, and though we might be confused or frightened, we will do what is right and ask for Your wisdom.

No matter what we face: whether ridicule, relationship troubles, confusion, or threats, we will still persevere. We will persevere when we’re bone tired. When we’re hungry. When we feel alone. When our prayers seem hollow. When our future looks bleak. We don’t know what’s in front of us nor sometimes even what we face this minute. But we know You. You are unchanging. And with Your help, we will persevere.

In Jesus Name,


Text: Galatians 6:9

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