Dressing Up

When we want to make a good impression on someone, what’s one of the first things we do? Oh sure, maybe we clean the house if they’re coming over. Some people might even read up on the news of the day in order to be able to converse about current events. And if you’re on a first date, you dress up in something that is attractive. Culturally acceptable. Maybe hides your flaws and enhances your good points.

Hides your flaws. That’s what we do, all of us. Best foot forward and all that. Let’s take a look, not at ourselves (thank heavens! January 8 hasn’t given us enough time on that diet.), but at our country; a country founded on the bedrock of freedom and morals taken from Moses, himself. If I told you the truth and said the Bible some of you would check out, so we’ll just say Moses for now. Everybody likes Charlton Heston. Or did at one time.

Is there anything here and now that we dress up? Are any flaws hidden? So what is the truth these days? Who do we hear it from? Who. Do. We. Listen. To.

Let’s look at a few items that just might be wearing a new outfit to cover up something else. There are a lot of us here in the country who care very much about women. And little children. Just look at the videos on the news about immigrants and you will see how much we care. Or watch women’s marches. Yep. Lots of caring about women.

Here’s a report that you might or might not agree with. Snopes certainly doesn’t, although I can’t imagine why they’re disagreeing with their friends from WHO. Worldometers reports there are 43 million abortions world-wide annually. The World Health Organizaiton puts the figure at 56 million. The United States is party to many of them. According to CNS News, from Oct. 1, 2012 to Sept. 30, 2013, Planned Parenthood performed 327,653 abortions. Over the course of those 365 days (or 8,760 hours), that averages out to 898 abortions per day and 37 abortions per hour.
Let’s count, shall we? 1, 2, 3 – maybe #3 would’ve struggled in school so who cares, right?, 4, 5 . . . want to stop yet? Those are tiny babies we’re talking about. 6 – #6 would have had an absent father and the mother doesn’t have much money, 7 – maybe #7 was going to be a great violinist, 8 – #8 might have had a hard life. Who wants that?, 9 -perhaps #9 would have been one of those nurses who go above and beyond the call of duty, 10. I’m tired, aren’t you? Tired of . . . counting? Abortion is now the largest cause of death in the United States. Not cancer. Not heart attacks. Not guns. Not climate change. Abortion. But don’t tell us we don’t care about women and children.

Side note: The Moabites sacrificed children to their god, Molech. Baal is another god that we usually associate with the Old Testament to whom his adherents made sacrifices. “Baal or Moloch or Chemosh—the name may change, but their bloodthirsty appetite for the most acceptable offering of infants does not. We have ample and melancholy evidence on this subject from the records of antiquity. It was believed that human sacrifice to Baal held the key to prosperity.” And we wonder why God has withheld what could be amazing blessing from our land.

Who did we listen to that told us abortion was a good thing? Who dressed it up?

What else do the voices tell us? Or, perhaps more to the point, don’t tell us? What flaws are the voices hiding? My two cents? I think, my friends, that we do not in the least have a real grip of the child sex trafficking happening even among the rich and powerful. And drugs? Nancy Reagan said, “Just say no”. But we still have a problem. A very, very big problem. Even now something alarming is being revealed: Government corruption and lies. For years. There are oh so many issues I could include, but you’re getting tired of reading and I’m getting tired of writing. If we could stem the tide of some of these issues it would be great, wouldn’t it?

Are the voices telling us the truth about all of it? Are they giving bits and pieces and leaving other things out? Are they misleading? While we’d like to think our choice of information is best, frankly, I don’t know what to think anymore.

What voices are we listening to? I’d like to say God’s, but I’d be fooling myself. Click this link that shows one of those flaws, those big problems, one of those wearing – oh let’s just say new clothes like the Emperor of the old fable – and get back to me.


Movie The Ten Commandments directed by Cecil B. Demille, starring Charlton Heston, Released 10/5/1956; https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/melanie-hunter/planned-parenthood-we-did-327653-abortions-one-year; https://sapphirethroneministries.wordpress.com/tag/baal-or-moloch-or-chemosh-or-santa-claus/ ; Nancy Reagan’s Just Say No campaign during Ronald Reagan’s presidency; “The Emperor’s New Clothes” by Hans Christian Andersen.

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