Ladies and Gentlemen: We Have A Title!

Ladies and Gentlemen: We have a title! You will recall how I was bemoaning – wait, I’m not sure that’s the right word – puzzled? No. Frustrated? Mmm, no. It’s that state of being where you know something isn’t right, but are having trouble knowing how to fix it. What is that? Well, whatever it is, it’s fixed!

And, Rhonda Jensen, you have earned yourself a free, autographed copy of my new book fresh off the presses (when those presses print it 🙂 ) for your terrific suggestion! Yes, indeed. My publisher agreed to use the title, Mrs. Covington’s Sunday School Dropouts 003

I’m looking forward to August when it will be published! To whet your reading appetites, I will tell you that each chapter begins with something the main character has said to her students. Here’s a sample:

Peter said, ‘Lord, you know that I love you.’ and then Jesus said, ‘Take care of my sheep.’ Peter knew sheep were stupid and stubborn and could smell up the sheep pen, so he knew Jesus wasn’t saying this just because it had a pretty ring to it. No, Brandon, no one ever, ever adequately anticipates the clean up.

And so begins the clean up…

So Hallelujah and pass the coffee! I’m doing a little happy dance here in the hobbit-sized study where I write. I hope your day holds something as exciting for you as a new book title is for me!

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